Backlinks to InvisibleUniverse2009 in Cosmo Web (Search all webs)

Results from Cosmo web retrieved at 08:01 (GMT)

*This page is incomplete and out of date. Feel free to help update it.* new * Inhomogeneous Cosmologies IV (announcem...
Cosmo.WebHome Amendola * Inhomogeneous approach. * real time observables to directly measure acceleration (cf e.g. Uzan Ellis) * LTB, void models ...
Cosmo.WebHome Abhay Ashtekar loop quantum cosmology = LQC vs WDW = Wheeler de Witt * ArXiv:0812.0177 recommended review paper * WDW quantum cosmology...
Cosmo.WebHome Iain Brown * nice general introduction * large scale (c/H_0 scale?) results seems to be consensus that effects should be sim 10^( 5)...
3I liquid * DAMA/LIBRA "no background identification used", "rather opaque analysis" * KIMS Korea Invisible Mass Search CsI(TI) http://dmrc.snu.a...
Cosmo.WebHome Chris Clarkson * related to Larena approach * estimate H and H divergence (cf Schwarz et al.) * q (deceleration) as a function of z,...
Cosmo.WebHome Gia Dvali gravity at largest and shortest observable distances * BH evaporation related * information processing theory related * sh...
Cosmo.WebHome Rocky Kolb * Lambda CDM should be seen as a very good phenomenological model that fits the observations * swiss cheese model weak back ...
Cosmo.WebHome Olivier Lefevre * VVDS * future * SDSS3 BOSS, VIPERS should have some results by about 2011 * ESA EUCLID = spectro imagi...
Cosmo.WebHome Jim Peebles * planck spectrum from CMB is spectacularly planck like * this is independent of GR * likes prospect of growth rate est...
Cosmo.WebHome Jean Loup Puget * Planck! * B modes * tensor/scalar ratio down to 0.05 (present best direct upper limit is 0.3 sigma, Bicep Chia...
Cosmo.WebHome Nicolas Regnault * * 3yr dataset (sim 240 objects) * Regnault et al. in prep calibration issues ...
Cosmo.WebHome Wright (string person) * Standard Model: 3 coupling constants do not unify, they have 3 intersections at high E instead of 1; supersymmetry ...
Cosmo.WebHome for inclusion in InvisibleUniverse2009 etc main page: InvisibleUniverse2009 These are just rough notes feel free to correct them, add links,...
Toruń Cosmology Group (CA UMK CAMK) (en) Welcome to the home of Foswiki.Cosmo. This is a web based collaboration area for cosmology research and education. (pl)...
May 2007 796 0 0 343 BibliometryCAUMK 40 PracowniaKRA 37 WebHome 16 CosmoTeaching20032004 15 CosmoPlMeeting2006 12 CosmoNews...
Number of topics: 16
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