1. PhD positions in cosmology, Szczecin
2. Postdoc positions in cosmology, Szczecin
3. Observing the Universe with the CMB, 22-26.04.2014, L'Aquila, Italy
1. Ph.D. student positions in cosmology and fundamental interactions
Szczecin Cosmology Group at the Institute of Physics of the University
of Szczecin invites applications for 2 Ph.D. student positions
cosmology, particle physics, and fundamental interactions. The
positions are supposed to be filled after 1st of March 2014 and last
for 3 years. The positions are funded by the National Science Centre
Maestro-3 grant ,,New consequences of the variability of the
fundamental constants in physics and cosmology" led by prof. Mariusz
P. Dąbrowski (DEC-2012/06/A/ST2/00395). The gross monthly salary per a
position is 2500 PLN, there is a possibility for a cheaper university
supported accommodation, travel fund is available. The city of
Szczecin is located near to polish border with Germany 130 km away
from Berlin with good access to international airports. The research
will deal with broad area of the particle physics and cosmology with
the emphasis onto the theories with variable physical constants and
their consequences onto the evolution of the universe. The project
will refer to both theoretical as well as experimental and
observational aspects of such theories. The deadline for applications
is 14th February, 2014. Applications should include CV, list of
publications, a brief statement of research interests, a copy of
graduate studies diploma (M.Sc.) and a copy of the thesis. Candidates
should arrange for at least 1 letter of recommendation. Applications
and recommendations should be sent by email to prof. M.P. Dąbrowski:
mpdabfz wmf.univ.szczecin.pl.
Szczecin Cosmology Group Institute of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics
and Physics, University of Szczecin ul. Wielkopolska 15, 70-451
Szczecin, Poland tel: (+48) 91 4441248; fax: (+48) 91 4441427;
2. Postdoctoral positions in cosmology and fundamental interactions
Szczecin Cosmology Group at the Institute of Physics of the University
of Szczecin invites applications for 2 postdoctoral positions
cosmology, particle physics, and fundamental interactions. The
positions are supposed to be filled after 1 st of March 2014 and last
for 2 years with a possibility to further extension for another 2
years. The positions are funded by the National Science Centre
Maestro-3 grant ,,New consequences of the variability of the
fundamental constants in physics and cosmology" led by prof. Mariusz
P. Dąbrowski (DEC2012/06/A/ST2/00395). The gross monthly salary per a
position is 6500 PLN, there is a possibility for a cheaper university
supported accommodation, travel fund is available. The city of
Szczecin is located near to polish border with Germany 130 km away
from Berlin with good access to international airports. The research
will deal with broad area of the particle physics and cosmology with
the emphasis onto the theories with variable physical constants and
their consequences onto the evolution of the universe. The project
will refer to both theoretical as well as experimental and
observational aspects of such theories. The deadline for applications
is 14th February, 2014. Applications should include CV, list of
publications, and a brief statement of research interests. Candidates
should arrange for 3 letters of recommendation. Applications and
recommendations should be sent by email to prof. M.P. Dąbrowski:
mpdabfz wmf.univ.szczecin.pl.
Szczecin Cosmology Group Institute of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics
and Physics, University of Szczecin ul. Wielkopolska 15, 70-451
Szczecin, Poland tel: (+48) 91 4441248; fax: (+48) 91 4441427;
3. Observing the Universe with the CMB, 22-26.04.2014, L'Aquila, Italy
This is to inform you that the deadline for application to the Course on
"Observing the Universe with the Cosmic Microwave Background" has been extended
to February 22.
Please visit the School website http://www.cifs-isss.org for any further
Paola Solini
The International School of Space Science of the Consorzio Interuniversitario
per la Fisica Spaziale organizes a Course on 'Observing the Universe with the
Cosmic Microwave Background', to be held in L'Aquila, Italy, April 22-26, 2014, and
directed by P. de Bernardis, M. Bersanelli, N. Mandolesi and J.-L. Puget.
The aim of the School is to present the Planck satellite mission which has
provided a multifrequency detailed view of the Universe at millimeter waves,
exploring the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and the relevant foregrounds
with an unprecedented combination of sensitivity, angular resolution and
frequency coverage. Meanwhile, a number of ground based and balloon-borne
experiments are exploring the tiniest details of the CMB (anisotropy,
polarization, spectral anisotropy, etc.) providing a wealth of new knowledge on
our universe. New space mission concepts have also been proposed, involving
significant technology improvements, and are actively investigated. This school
will provide an up to date review of the latest results and of their impact on
cosmology and on fundamental physics. Experimental, interpretation and
theoretical activities will be weighted to provide a well balanced understanding
of the current status and of the forthcoming efforts in this field.
For further information visit http://www.cifs-isss.org/ or send an e-mail to
ssc aquila.infn.it
IAU Symposium 308: The Zeldovich Universe: Genesis and Growth of the Cosmic Web
We are happy to announce IAU Symposium 308 "The Zel'dovich' Universe:
Genesis and Growth of the Cosmic Web", which will be held in Tallinn,
Estonia, from June 23-28, 2014.
2014 is the centenary year of the birth of Yakov Zel'dovich. IAU
symposium 308 pays tribute to his outstanding contributions to the
understanding of the large scale matter distribution in the Universe by
devoting its attention on the Cosmic Web and cosmic structure
formation. The symposium will synthesize the large advances and insights
obtained from many different observational and theoretical studies and
set out the lines for the major upcoming scientific programs that will
not only extend our view over a far larger fraction of the visible
Universe but also allow the systematic investigation of the evolution of
cosmic structure.
Topics that will be addressed are:
- Large Scale Galaxy Surveys
- Simulations of Large Scale Structure formation
- Structural Analysis of the Cosmic Web
- Large Scale Structure at high redshift
- the Zel'dovich Legacy: theory & dynamics
- Gravitational Lensing and the Cosmic Web
- Voids
- the Local Universe (reconstruction, dynamics and velocity flows)
- Dynamical Analysis of the Cosmic Web
- the Gaseous Cosmic Web (Lyman alpha forest, WHIM, ...)
- Cosmic Web as environment for galaxy formation
- Galaxies in the Cosmic Web
- Dark Ages -- Reionization
- Primordial Signature of the Cosmic Web (BAOs, primordial non-Gaussianities,
non-standard Gravity)
- Future Surveys
- Cosmology of Yakov Zel'dovich: historical and scientific perspective
Registration, abstract submission and application for financial support
are now possible.
More information can be found in our conference webpage
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2014 00:21:35 +0100 (CET)
> From: Jacques Dumarchez <...>
> Subject: Moriond Cosmology 2014
Dear colleague,
Let us remind you that the next Rencontres de Moriond
meeting devoted to
will be organized in La Thuile (Valle d'Aosta, Italy),
March 22-29, 2014.
The topics covered will include:
A. Cosmic Microwave Background
B. Dark Energy
C. Clusters / SZ
D. Dark Matter: direct and indirect detection
E. Neutrino Cosmology
F. Theory
G. Future programs in Cosmology
Registration is open on the conference web site:
And more details can be found there
including an abstract submission form.
hoping to see you in La Thuile,
best regards,
the organizing committee