Cosmology School - Introduction to Cosmology
Kielce, Poland 15.07-25.07.2015
> The deadline for late registration is 1st July 2015. Payment of the
> registration fee (400 PLN) can be made via bank transfer to the
> following account until 30 June...
The general purpose of the First Cosmology School in Kielce is to give
an introduction to the current knowledge in cosmology, both in theory
and observations. This School is intended for undergraduate and PhD
students, as well as young postdoctoral researchers, interested in
these fields.
Topics: Cosmic Microwave Background - spectrum and anisotropies; Cosmological
parameters from Planck data; Galaxy formation; Galaxy evolution;
Introduction to Sloan Digital Sky Survey; Present and future deep
galaxy surveys; Cosmology from Gamma Ray Bursts; Magnetic fields in
the Universe; Dark matter and dark energy; Radio galaxies across the
Universe; Cosmic Web; Computer simulations; Cosmological Observations
Lecturers: Marek Biesiada (US, Katowice); Łukasz Bratek (IFJ, Krakow);
Veronique Buat (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille); Denis
Burgarella (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille); Guido
Chincarini (Milano); Gianfranco De Zotti (Padowa, Trieste); Michał
Hanasz (UMK, Torun); Wojciech Hellwing (Durham University); Joanna
Jałocha-Bratek (IFJ, Krakow); Marek Jamrozy (UJ, Krakow); Jacek
Krełowski (UMK, Torun); Jerzy Krzesiński (UP, Krakow); Elena Panko
(OA, Nikolaev); Agnieszka Pollo (UJ, Krakow and NCBJ, Warszawa);
Andrzej Sołtan (CAMK, Warszawa); Tsutomu Takeuchi (Nagoya University);
Rien van de Weijgaert (Greningen)
Organisers: PTA, UJK, UJ
SOC: P. Flin (UJK, Kielce), A. Pollo (UJ, Krakow and NCBJ, Warszawa)
LOC: M. Drabik, M. Biernacka, J. Krywult, P. Kankiewicz - UJK, Kielce
Dear colleague,
A cosmology conference is organised as a
Rencontres du Vietnam on
Cosmology 50 years after CMB discovery
It will take place in Quy Nhon, Vietnam
in August, 16-22, 2015
Registration and abstract submission is still open on
It will review the most recent status of the field
but will include a session on its history.
The conference will consist of plenary sessions for
invited indepth oral presentations (review talks and
talks on specific specialised topics), and contributed
papers in half a day parallel sessions, in the form of
relatively short oral papers (sollicitated or selected
from abstract submission). Special emphasis is being
placed on active participation by young researchers
and post-docs.
The main topics of the conference are:
History of the CMB
CMB Polarization
Other CMB measurements
Dark Energy
Dark Matter
hoping to see you in Quy Nhon, next August
best regards
The organizing committee