Hi Boud,
count me in as well!
* Boud Roukema (boud@astro.uni.torun.pl) [141110 21:41]:
Witam wszystkim,
If anyone is interested in creating a Polish-institute consortium for participation in 4MOST (multi-fibre spectroscopic complement to GAIA, EUCLID and eROSITA), please contact me so that we can coordinate.
Info on 4MOST: http://www.aip.de/en/research/research-area-ea/research-groups-and-projects/...
Since Poland is about to join ESO (once the Sejm votes it and the President signs), we should have a strong argument for participation.
pozdr Boud
Cosmo-pl mailing list Cosmo-pl@cosmo.torun.pl http://cosmo.torun.pl/mailman/listinfo/cosmo-pl