Witam cosmo-pl,
Chyba między nami nie wiemy wiele kandydaci, ale kto wie...
Zobacz na dolu:
4) postdoc @APC 2yr CMB Analysis -> kontakt jest Radek Stompor :)
5) postdoc @Copenhagen CMB 2+1yr
pozdr boud
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2006 23:26:01 +0200 (CEST) From: Programme National de Cosmologie <pnc at iap.fr> To: Programme National de Cosmologie <pnc at iap.fr> Subject: Diffusion PNC
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message # 273 9 juin 2006
- Atelier PNG , 26 juin 2006 de 9h a 18h Paris-Jussieu " L'évolution des galaxies ? l'?re des grands relevés"
- Workshop sur l'inflation , 03-13 juillet 2006 , IAP Paris
- CRAL-Conference Series I , 10-14 July 2006 , Lyon - FRANCE CHEMODYNAMICS: from first stars to local galaxies
- Post-doctoral position in CMB data analysis - APC, Paris, France
- Post Doctoral position in CMB science, DNSC , Copenhagen, Denmark
PNC PNC PNC http://www.iap.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC
- Atelier PNG , 26 juin 2006 de 9h a 18h Paris-Jussieu "L'évolution des galaxies ? l'?re des grands relevés"
Cet atelier sera centré sur les problématiques actuelles concernant
l'évolution des galaxies sur une echelle de temps cosmologique. L'idée est de passer en revue, lors de cette journée, différentes questions "clé" qui peuvent etre testées actuellement par l'analyse des grands relevés extragalactiques de l'univers proche et lointain ; en relation bien sur avec les derniers développements concernant les simulations numériques de la formation et de l'évolution des galaxies, ainsi que les mod?les de synth?se de populations stellaires.
Le programme préliminaire est accessible ? cette URL:
Il comprend les exposés de revue suivants:
Models of galaxy formation and evolution : Julien Devriendt (CRAL - Lyon)
The local universe as seen by the SDSS : Jarle Brinchmann (Université de Porto - Portugal/LA2T - Toulouse)
Dynamics of galaxies up to z~1 : François Hammer (GEPI - Paris)
Large spectroscopic surveys : Thierry Contini (LA2T - Toulouse)
Large infrared surveys : Jean-Loup Puget (IAS - Paris)
Physical properties of galaxies derived from SED fitting : Stéphane Arnouts (LAM - Marseille)
The next generation of large surveys : Olivier Le F?vre (LAM - Marseille)
Nous invitons les participants intéressés a venir presenter leurs travaux sous forme de contributions orales et de posters. Les demandes de presentation doivent etre envoyees avant le 10 juin sur le site des Journees de la SF2A:
--> http://aramis.obspm.fr/~sf2a/2006
Notez que les resumes seront references dans ADS. Ils doivent etre ecrits en anglais. Il est aussi recommande de présenter des transparents en anglais meme pourles presentations en francais, pour faciliter l'acces aux non-francophones.
Pour plus de renseignements, contacter: Thierry Contini - contini at ast.obs-mip.fr ou Guilaine Lagache - guilaine.lagache at ias.u-psud.fr
Le PNG soutiendra les missions des membres du PNG pour se rendre a la SF2A s'ils participent a la journee PNG, jusqu'a un montant maximal de 400E (dont 50E pour les frais d'inscription). Comme l'an dernier les missions seront remboursees globalement, directement par l'INSU sur le budget 2006 des laboratoires. Il est donc demande a tous les participants PNG d'envoyer une copie de leur feuille de remboursement apres la mission, indiquant le detail du remboursement payé par le laboratoire. Ces documents devront parvenir a Annie Robin (Besancon) des que le remboursement est effectué.
PNC PNC PNC http://www.iap.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC
- Workshop sur l'inflation , 03-13 juillet 2006 , IAP Paris
un workshop sur l'inflation suivra le colloque de l'IAP "Inflation+25" (http://www.iap.fr/col2006/). Il se tiendra du 03/07/2006 au 13/07/2006 ? l'IAP. A cette occasion, nous organisons deux ? trois séminaires de 45 mn par jour sur ce th?me. Si vous souhaitez participer en tant qu'orateur, veuillez nous contacter le plus vite possible (col2006 at iap.fr) car il reste un nombre tres limite de places.
Cordialement Jerome Martin pour le LOC
PNC PNC PNC http://www.iap.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC
CRAL-Conference Series I , 10-14 July 2006 , Lyon - FRANCE CHEMODYNAMICS: from first stars to local galaxies
Final ANNOUNCEMENT The deadline for abstract submission is May 31 The deadline for registration is June 9
Dear colleague,
we are pleased to announce the first international conference in the CRAL Conference Series, titled "Chemodynamics: from first stars to local galaxies" to be held July 10-14 2006 in the beautiful city of Lyon, France.
There will be five large sessions:
- First stars and early metal production
- Galaxy winds and inter galactic medium enrichment at intermediate redshifts
- The intra cluster medium as a laboratory for galaxy chemodynamics
- Self-regulation processes in the interstellar medium of local and not so local galaxies
- Detailed stellar feedback processes in the Milky Way
Reviewers and invited speakers for these 5 sessions will include :
- Andrea Ferrara, Vanessa Hill, Raffaella Schneider, Raphael Hirschi
- Anthony Aguirre, Dawn Erb, Philip Richter
- Sabine Schindler, Stefano Borgani, Brad Gibson
- Greg Bryan, Adrianne Slyz, Françoise Combes, Fabian Walter
- Nikos Prantzos, Kim Venn, Keiichi Wada, Julien Devriendt, Hervé Wozniak
- and Colin Norman for the summary talk.
Registrations are opened, and we *encourage* you to apply *early*. See our web site for information and registration: http://cralconf.univ-lyon1.fr
Looking forward to seeing you in Lyon!
The Local Organizing Committee
==================== Scientific Rationale: ==================== Chemodynamical evolutionary models were invented to provide a global dynamical description of the interplay between the major physical components of galaxies: in a gravitational potential essentially dominated by dark matter, stars structure the multi-phase ISM through radiation, winds and supernovae and enrich it in heavy elements. From a cosmological perspective, these models should begin with the formation of the first structures. Heavy elements formed by the very first generation of stars pollute the early IGM, thus allowing for more efficient radiative cooling during the formation of the next astrophysical objects: galaxies are born.
Chemodynamical models yield quantitative predictions for the observable consequences of the violent physical mechanisms that occur within galaxies. Perhaps the most remarkable one is that the ISM self-regulates which implies that the star formation rate in galaxies is ultimately controlled by feedback processes. In other words, they argue that observations over a wide range of wave-lengths should be linked: X-ray emission of the relatively low density supernova heated gas that permeates the entire ISM, impacts on the far infrared cooling emission lines present in the densest molecular cores.
Forthcoming instruments such as MUSE, JWST, ALMA and SKA will shed light on the high redshift Universe population of proto-galaxies whereas XMM, Chandra, GALEX and Spitzer are now probing galaxies panchromatically at lower redshifts. On the other hand, current computational power allows us to numerically explore the first ages of structure formation. It also makes it possible to follow in greater detail the chemodynamics of individual objects. As a consequence, we now feel that we lie at a crossroad between two epochs, and the time has come to review where chemodynamical models stand.
Scientific Organising Committee
Greg Bryan Françoise Combes Andrea Ferrara Bruno Guiderdoni Gerhard Hensler Max Pettini Eline Tolstoy (chair) Keiichi Wada
Local Organising Committee
Nicolas Champavert, Hél?ne Courtois, Julien Devriendt, Eric Emsellem(chair), Jean-François Gonzalez, Gérard Massacrier, Jimmy Paillet, Hervé Wozniak
Practical Issues
We encourage you to register as soon as possible as we will limit the total number of participants : ** the deadline for submitting an abstract is May 31 ** the deadline for registering is June 9.
We also encourage you to reserve your hotel a.s.a.p. since July is certainly a busy time in Lyon (and a nice period for sight-seeing).
Fees are 250 euros (including the conference dinner, and proceedings), and 300 euros for late payment (after June 9). The fees can be paid BEFORE June 9, via bank wiring (a procedure to pay via Credit Card will soon be implemented): see the registration section on the web site for details.
PNC PNC PNC http://www.iap.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC
- Post-doctoral position in CMB data analysis - APC, Paris, France
We are seeking a post-doctoral researcher to work in the area of data analysis of next generation Cosmic Microwave Background polarization data sets. The post-holder is expected to share his/her time between a development of general, experiment-non-specific methods and software tools, and preparations for, and data analysis of, actual experimental data sets. These will include the data sets produced by the balloon-borne experiment, EBEx and the ground-based observation, PolarBear. The possibility will also exist for the selected applicant to get involved in other projects currently undertaken by the members of the CMB group at APC, including work on Planck-HFI. The successful candidate should have a PhD in astronomy or physics, thorough knowledge of modern, physical cosmology, background in statistical methods, and experience in computer programing. S/he will be associated with the ADAMIS (http://www.apc.univ-paris7.fr/APC_CS/Recherche/Adamis/) group at APC and is expected to be primarily working with dr. R. Stompor and others members of this group. However, interactions with a broader scientific community within APC and Paris will be also encouraged. APC (http://www.apc.univ-paris7.fr) is a new, dynamic institute associated with the Universite Paris-7 and soon to be located on a new campus of the University within the city limits of Paris. The members of APC are involved in a number of national and international projects, and play a significant role in many of them. The institute provides a friendly and lively place to work and a scientifically exciting and stimulating environment to conduct research in. The post is for two years with a starting date preferably on or around October, 01, 2006. The salary is around 2,200 Euros. A benefit package and support for travel and other research expenses will be also provided. The application deadline is on May, 31, but late applications will be considered until the post is filled. Applications (preferably in electronic form) and all other correspondence should be sent to: R. Stompor 11, place M. Berthelot 75231 Paris, Cedex 5 France E-mail: radek at apc.univ-paris7.fr In addition applicants should arrange for two letters of reference to be sent directly to the above address. Requests for any additional information as well as informal inquiries can be made to: radek at apc.univ-paris7.fr7 The Laboratory is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
PNC PNC PNC http://www.iap.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC
- Post Doctoral position in CMB science, DNSC, Copenhagen, Denmark
The Danish National Space Center (DNSC) and the Niels Bohr Institute (NBI) announce a joint postdoctoral position in Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) research. Applicants must document a solid theoretical background in cosmology, astrophysics or physics and well-developed computer skills. The successful applicant is expected to participate in the scientific preparation for and exploitation of the upcoming ESA Planck Surveyor Mission aimed at measuring the anisotropy and polarization of the CMB, a mission in which DNSC and NBI are participating. The main task of the postdoctoral fellow will be to conduct and publish research in CMB-related science and to participate in the development of methods for extraction of CMB signals from the Planck data. The fellow is expected to work closely with people at the DNSC (www.spacecenter.dk) and at the NBI (www.nbi.ku.dk). Interaction with researchers at the new Dark Cosmology Center (www.dark-cosmology.dk) is also foreseen.
The postdoctoral fellowship is for 2 years with the possibility for a 3-year extension. A Ph.D. degree and relevant research experience are required.
Terms of appointment and salary are set by agreement between the Ministry of Finance and AC (the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations of Academics in the State).
The applications must be in English and must include:
- Research Plan
- Curriculum Vitae
- A complete list of publications indicating a maximum of 5 papers of particular interest
- 3 copies of each of the selected papers. In case of publications with more than one author, a statement regarding the applicant's contribution shall be provided
- Documentation for teaching experience and other qualifications
The applications will be evaluated by an assessment committee. Applicants may be summoned for an interview. Any potential applicant is invited to apply irrespective of age, sex, race religion or ethnic background. Further inquiries about research plans, facilities and staffs should be directed to the Principal Investigator of the Planck Reflectors Hans Ulrik N?rgaard- Nielsen, DNSC (hunn at spacecenter.dk). The application (original plus 3 copies, all with enclosures and selected papers) must be send to Director Eigil Friis- Christensen, DNSC, Juliane Maries Vej 30, DK- 2100 Copenhagen , Denmark. The deadline for application is August 1 2006 at noon. Material received after this time will not be considered. Applications submitted by email will not be accepted.