---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 10:52:21 +0100 Sur le web: http://www.sf2a.asso.fr/spip.php?rubrique7 http://www.sf2a.asso.fr/spip.php?article283
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. RAPPEL - "The millimeter and submillimeter sky in the Planck mission era", 10-14 January 2011, Cité des Sciences, Paris
6. 23rd Rencontres de Blois, "Particle Physics and Cosmology", May 29-June 4, 2011, Château Royal de Blois, Blois, France ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. RAPPEL - "The millimeter and submillimeter sky in the Planck mission era", 10-14 January 2011, Cité des Sciences, Paris ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Planck satellite has been operated with outstanding success since its launch on May 14th 2009. The first results will be presented together with discussions of the foregrounds physics and methods for the separation of the cosmological background and these astrophysical foregrounds.
Abstracts for contributed papers and posters can be submitted until *December 3rd 2010*.
Conference website: http://www.planck2011.fr
Transmis par Francois Pajot
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. 23rd Rencontres de Blois, "Particle Physics and Cosmology", May 29-June 4, 2011, Château Royal de Blois, Blois, France ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is an announcement and call for papers for an international conference which will be held in the Château of Blois, in France's Loire Valley. "Particle Physics and Cosmology" will emphasize the increasing interplay between high energy accelerator based physics and cosmology.
The conference will consist of plenary sessions for invited indepth oral presentations(review talks and talks on specific specialised topics), and contributed papers, in the form of relatively short oral papers or posters. We will aim to achieve a balance between review talks, provocative talks given by recognized specialists, and shorter contributions, special emphasis being placed on active participation by younger researchers and post-docs. Parallel sessions, (generally for short communications) are foreseen, and are being organized as the need arises.
The meeting will be articulated around the results and their impact on current theories from the three major new experimental and observational facilities which are coming on line or have recently been commissioned: - CERN's LHC - the PLANCK satellite - the HERSCHEL satellite
Topics will include: - the standard model in particle physics, in new data and new analyses, - the search for the Higgs boson, heavy flavour physics neutrino physics (astrophysical and laboratory) dark matter, dark energy and recent advances in astrophysics cosmology.
The detailed scientific programme is currently under development. Scientific and administrative details are on the conference web site : http://confs.obspm.fr/Blois2011/index.htm
You should login regularly, but if you urgently need information which is currently not available you may contact Boaz Klima, the coordinator of the conference, at the email address: klima at fnal.gov.
Transmis par Ludwik Celnikier