Cześć wszystkim, Przepraszam dla spam. We had opened up the access controls - the sender was *not* a subscriber - but we've now tightened them a bit. Depending on experience we can tight them more in the future.
Because there are *many* people on the cosmo-pl list, I suggest that further discussion of spam controls continue on the cosmo-torun list. But you can see all the possible controls for sending here:
We had put "send public", now it's back to "send privateorpublickey". We could probably tighten it to "send public" if people wanted that. Again, please RTFM if you want to know what these mean...
pozdrawiam boud
On 15 Nov 2002, Michal Frackowiak wrote:
Boud! What the hell is that? Remove this person from the list immediately. Is this a spam-list or what? Can anyone join cosmo-pl?
regards - michal