witam cosmo-torun
(1) Research workshop!
title: Another way to select comoving 3-space speaker: boud when/where: Friday 15.00 godz. 20.11.2009 @KRA.
This topic will be different to my Monday KRA seminar. My Monday talk is about stuff on ArXiv.org and already peer-reviewed. Friday is for research-under-progress presentation/discussion - that's the idea, after all.
(2) We have to announce FNiS2010 (science festival) proposals by Monday 23 Nov!!!
Anyone interested in us doing something together, please speak up quickly, and we can briefly discuss it on Friday face-to-face (or tomorrow Thurs @KRA). Here's my proposal for what i'd like to talk about: http://cosmo.torun.pl/Cosmo/FestiwalNauki2010
pozdr boud