hi cosmo-torun,
Two interesting conferences in Marseille...
pozdr boud
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 11:14:14 +0200 From: SF2A@cesr.fr To: sf2a@cesr.fr Subject: sf2a : vos dernieres nouvelles
Message SF2A No 266 - 19/09/06
Sur le web: http://www.ast.obs-mip.fr/users/contini/SF2A/messages/266.htx
------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. "Energetics events in the universe..." - Marseille, 25-28/06/07 4. "Towards the European ELT (E-ELT) - Marseille, 27/11-01/12/06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. "Energetics events in the universe..." - Marseille, 25-28/06/07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
This conference is aimed at reviewing the physics of energetic objects and processes in the Universe, and their impact on cosmology and cosmic evolution.
Scientific rationale:
Energetic events in terms of physical processes or specific objects are incomparable tools to probe the Universe and its components. They are signature of dramatic processes in the primordial Universe with gravitational waves consecutive to an inflationary phase or in the present one with possible annihilation of dark matter. They are bright candles, like SNe or GRBs, allowing to stride space and look back in time on prodigious scales. They are beacons whose light reveals both their hosts and matter along their path. As such, the aim of this conference is to explore all these aspects focusing on the physics of objects and processes in the perspective of their use for cosmology and cosmic evolution (which are the titles of our 3 sessions).
Sessions will be devoted to these topics with both reviews and short contributions.
Inflation as a paradigm is now part of the cosmological model. It is the most energetic period of the Universe. What is the underlying physics? What are predictions like those e.g concerning primordial GW which renders specific models falsifiable? What are the observational prospects?
* Pre Big Bang period, inflation, induced primordial GW : Dr Mukhanov (Munich University) * Is inflation falsifiable with foreseen instrumentation ? : Dr A. Cooray (UC Irvine)
Dark matter is probably unavoidable from galaxy and cluster dynamics and LSS growth. It is still a challenge to know what it is, and what the different detection methods can do to identify its nature. The theoretical predictions and experimental perspectives will be addressed with a special attention on high energy annihilation products
* Dark matter annihilation and its products : Dr P. Salati (LAPP- IN2P3) * Complementarity between Direct and indirect Dark Matter searches and Collider Experiments : Dr Sadoulet (Berkeley)
Supernovae and GRBs are produced by the cataclysmic end of stars. SN Ib/C, SNII and long GRBs are produced by the core collapse of massive stars and are intrinsically linked. SNIa and short GRBs are respectively produced by the collapse of a white dwarf and by the collapse of two neutron stars. Reviews on the origin and on the connection between these different phenomena will be presented. The impact on the cosmological applications of the long GRBs and SNIa will be emphasized.
* The physical mechanisms at play in explosive stars : Dr P. Meszaros (Penn. State University) * Supernova and GRB connection : Dr P. Mazzali (INAF - Trieste)
The recent acceleration expansion of the universe has been put on firm basis using SNI. Other probes are however needed to perform precision cosmology, in particular to higher z (are other acceleration phases possible?). Reviews will present the state of art on how SN and GBR would be more and more "standardizable " as well as a status on present searches and future prospects.
* Can we standardize the GRBs ? : Dr L. Amati (INAF - Bologna) * Latest GRBs observations for cosmology : a status report and future prospects : Dr Berger (Carnegie) Towards a better SN standardization: beyond stretch and color corrections : Dr L. Wang (LBL) * Status on present searches and observational perspectives in using SN's for cosmology : A. Ealet (CPPM-IN2P3)
Even more than QSOs, GRB seem to be the brightest and most distantsources in the Universe. They are thus suitable to probe in details the intergalactic medium at all epochs, including the re-ionization, on which they themselves impact. They are also the first star-forming objects, providing first hints on the star formation history of the Universe.
* Probing cosmic chemical evolution with GRB's : Dr Prochaska (Lick Observatories) * Impact on cosmic re-ionization : Dr Ferrara (SISSA)
Science Organizing Committee :
* M. Boer (Observatoire de Haute Provence / OAMP) * B. Degrange (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet) * N. Gehrels (Goddard Space Flight Center) * J. Hu (NAOC, Beijing) * P. Madau (University of California) * P. Natarajan (University of Yale) * J. Paul (APC/CEA) * S. Perlmutter (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory) * M. Vietri (University of Roma 3) * D. York (University of Chicago)
Conference contact: marseille2007@oamp.fr
Local Organizing Committee:
* S. Basa (LAM) * J.P. Kneib (LAM) * V. Le Brun (LAM) * R. Malina (LAM) * A. Mazure (LAM) * C. Marinoni (CPT) * C. Tao (CPPM)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. "Towards the European ELT (E-ELT) - Marseille, 27/11-01/12/06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Towards the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) - Marseille, Nov. 27 - Dec 01
The conference includes a presentation of the E-ELT project status by ESO and two sessions dedicated to ELT science and instrumentation. The scientific organizers of the conference are ESO, LAM and OPTICON.
Deadlines for abstract submission and funding requests is September 30th. People are advised to book their hotels as soon as possible.
The conference venue is Marseille, Palais du Pharo.
See the web site of the conference for further details at
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