minor change... most people are reconfirming their/their group's desire to join in, so i added this too. see the text below.
On Thu, 5 Oct 2006, Boud Roukema wrote:
hi cosmo-torun,
If nobody has any objections, i'll send the following email to the "Rozumienie" that Marek Zrałek is coordinating. Reminder: this is cosmologists/particle physicists organising a "pre-formal" network in Poland, which can later be joined to create a European network, in order to get research funding for cosmologyu/particle physics. At the moment it's only "informal" with the idea of waiting until a new ustawa comes through, but the cosmologists from the different institutes are writing sort of formally.
We're asked to respond by tomorrow (sorry about not writing earlier) about "votes" (or proposals) for a head of the council and a coordinator - several people have proposed Stefan Pokorski as council head and Marek Zrałek as coordinator.
You can see what they do (hep-ph - high-energy physics phenomenology) here:
Marek: http://arxiv.org/find/hep-ph/1/au:+zralek/0/1/0/all/0/1
Stefan: http://arxiv.org/find/hep-ph/1/au:pokorski/0/1/0/all/0/1
i think their scientific track records speak for themselves.
If noone objects by tomorrow, i'll post the text below to the (offlist) cc: list of the porozumienie.
pozdr boud
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Porozumienie "Kosmologia i czastki elementarne"
Drogie Koleżanki i drodzy Koledzy,
W imeniu Centrum Astronomicznego Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika potwierdzam chec uczestnictwa w Porozumieniu "Kosmologia i czastki elementarne" i proponuję Prof. Marka Zrałka na stanowisko Przewodniczacego Rady i Prof. Stefana Pokorskiego na stanowisko Koordynatora.
Serdecznie pozdrawiam wszystkich uczestnikow Porozumienia Boud Roukema, CA-UMK ----------------------------------------------------------------------