hi cosmo-torun,
During today's Sprawozdanie, Bronek asked about the Kashlinsky large-scale high-velocity flow. You'll find Kashlinky's work referred to in the paper below, which is an interesting observational analysis according to which the flow is due to using an incorrect choice of the comoving coordinate reference frame. Wiltshire et al's argument is based on Wiltshire's approach to modelling the Universe in a more relativistically correct way than the FLRW ("standard") metric, i.e. one of the "inhomogeneous" approaches to cosmology (according to which the Earth is assumed to exist).
http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.5371 Hubble flow variance and the cosmic rest frame Authors: David L. Wiltshire, Peter R. Smale, Teppo Mattsson, Richard Watkins
pozdr boud