witam cosmo-torun
On Mon, 26 Jan 2009, Boud Roukema wrote:
Cosmo workshop tomorrow wtorek 27.01.09 at 14:00 @KRA.
Boud will talk about his present project:
'a hint towards Poincare gravity?'
Done. seminar done + article submitted: http://arxiv.org/abs/0902.3402v2
Everyone is welcome, but be warned: this is a research level work session, most likely in English.
During the next few weeks we will have to see how many (if any) undergrad students are interested in wyklad/seminarium and at what knowledge/research level they are (new to cosmo or already done a basic course) and sort out days/times. Based on what is officially on usosweb, i propose we start with:
Fri 27.02.09 - 16.00 godz workshop - Agnieszka (to be confirmed).
Agnieszka, you said today, if i understood correctly, that you can confirm during the next few days or so. Please just reply to the public list once you have confirmation either way. :) The idea of the talk is very much workshop-ish, describing the scientific aims and where you've got to so far and also where you haven't got to and also where people might be able to help with specific bottlenecks in your research.
Zbyszek - is Friday at 16.00 okay for you? Again, please reply to the public list. Bartek - i think you said that Fri @16.00 should be OK.
Hopefully we should have all 3 doktoranci + me together for this workshop, and maybe also some undergrads...
And then get into a cycle of a workshop type cosmo research presentation nearly every week... :)
pozdr boud