Cze�� koledzy, By now you've had a short scientific introduction from Micha� F., and I think you know, or if not, you will know after this sentence, that Andrzej Marecki and I are working on an RLAGN project for developing principles of techniques of detecting the global shape of the Universe, according to the standard, hot big bang, Friedmann-Lema�tre model.
E.g. for a beginner's review see
Would the others be able to introduce yourselves? You can, of course, find out who has subscribed using list commands (see HELP below), but so far, the others and what seem to me to be their cosmological/extragalactic interests are (in arbitrary order):
Sebastian - interested in OCRA (one cm array project)
Rafa� - interested in cosmic topology (as a sideline)
Marcin/Motylek - interested in FRI/FRII evolution
Micha� Hanasz - magnetic fields in low z (<< 1) AGN, but moving to high z (2-3) AGNi ??
I'll be back in Toru� in a few weeks time, and it would be nice to have a face-to-face meeting, but in the meantime, could everyone just say a few lines about their interests (correcting my above summary!), and feel free to make meta-suggestions (about the list or about how to organise discussions or work, whatever) as well as direct discussion of science.
Pozdrawiam, Boud