Hi everyone,

I'll be there :)

2011/12/7 Boud Roukema <boud@astro.uni.torun.pl>
witam cosmo-torun

Cosmic topology workshop 14-15.00 Fri 9 Dec @KRA: Zbyszek Bulinski.

Since this list is public, i won't give details of Zbyszek's
topic - this work is so far unpublished ;). This is meant to be
informal, interactive, it may become a practical "do stuff"
workshop - we'll see.

Sebastian's "young students" are visiting KRA this week and Marian
apparently has a lecture/pracownia on Friday afternoon, so i don't
yet know if we'll have the main seminar room or the one next to the
guest rooms.

Hoping to see many of the cosmology group together on Friday. :)


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