Paper: astro-ph/0301137 From: Blanchard Alain Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2003 17:45:24 GMT (138kb)
Title: Cosmological Parameters: Fashion and Facts Authors: A. Blanchard (LAOMP, Toulouse)
Abstract: [...] I would like to emphasize that some results are established beyond reasonable doubt, like the (nearly) flatness of the universe and the existence of a dark non-baryonic component of the Universe. But also that the evidence for a cosmological constant may not be as strong as needed to be considered as established beyond doubt. In this respect, I will argue that an Einstein-De Sitter universe might still be a viable option. Three global tests: 1) the evolution of the abundance of clusters with redshift 2) the baryon fraction measured in local clusters 3) apparent evolution of the baryon fraction with redshift might be consistent with a high matter density for the Universe in the range $0.6-1.$. I therefore conclude that the dominance of vacuum to the various density contributions to the Universe is presently an interesting and fascinating possibility, but it is still premature to consider it as an established scientific fact.
------- Andrzej