Fantastic !

This is a Nobel prize discovery !

As big as DE.

In your face ekpyrotic scenario... :)


ps. this is indirect of course as they observed CMB

On Tuesday 18 of March 2014 00:26:08 Tomasz Kazimierczak wrote:

> Hi all,


> Hot news in media, according to which there is

> detection of gravitational waves by the BICEP2 experiment.

> It is something about messuring b-mode polarisation of CMB,

> that's all what I undersdand.


> Links:


> media:


> tml project:

> paper:


> Can we say it is a direct evidence for gravitational waves or rather

> it should be said indirect?



> Pozdr,

> Tomek



Bartosz Lew

Nicolaus Copernicus University,

Torun Centre for Astronomy, Department of Radio Astronomy

tel: +48 (56) 611 3042, fax: +48 (56) 611 3009, www: