Hi. I'm just sending this message to have it conveniently on the archive with an obvious "Subject:" header. I think I've already mentioned these two projects (or themes) which are linked to local observational facilities:
(1) polarisation of radio-galaxies
Ryszard Wielebi�ski of Bonn suggested that a good way to use the radio telescope here would be to observe galaxies at different frequencies, so with different amounts of Faraday rotation of polarised light, so that the polarisation could be inferred.
(2) galaxy formation modelling in preparation for future infrared satellite data
Ryszard Szczerba said something about NCAC being involved in an infrared satellite project (I think I got the name wrong - Ryszard, do you have a link to the web site of the project?), so if someone does some galaxy formation work in preparation for this, there would be a good chance of getting good observational constraints, and maybe even falsifying some models, and having to generate new ones, which is the exciting part of science :).
Cze�� Boud
Ryszard: this email will be archived on http://www.astro.uni.torun.pl/sympa/cosmo-torun/ Please reply directly to the list (unless you have something secret to say).