hi cosmo-torun,
Several conferences (most announcements in English) from the PNC:
pozdr boud
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Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2007 11:02:23 +0200 (CEST) From: Programme National de Cosmologie <pnc at iap.fr> To: Programme National de Cosmologie <pnc at iap.fr> Subject: Diffusion PNC
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- PNC PNC PNC http://www.iap.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- message # 291 6 Avril 2007
1) PostDoc , "Dynamics of Galaxies " , LAM (Marseille) 2) Postdoc , GRBs with the SVOM satellite , LAM (Marseille) 3) Postdoc , LAM ( Marseille ) , "Oscillations acoustiques des baryons dans le CFH-LS et les prochains sondages grand-champ" 4) Postdoc, Paticle Astrophysics and String theory, Stockholm (Physics Dept.) 5) Postdoc in Observational Cosmology , Portsmouth (UK) 6) Postdoc positions at Instituto de Astrof?sica de Canarias ( Spain )
7) Summer School , "Formation and Evolution of cosmic Structure" Novicosmo 2007 , Novigrad-Cittanova , Croatia 10-21 September 2007 8) SIGRAV graduate school in contemporary relativity and gravitational physics , VII edition : " The Dark side of the universe" Villa Olmo, Como, Italy , May 14-18, 2007 9) Ecole de Physique des Astroparticules - I 10 -15 septembre 2007, OHP, Saint Michel l'Observatoire ?La Physique des Astroparticules?
10) Santa Fe Cosmology Summer Workshop, July 2-20 11) Ecole Internationale d'Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge "Dark Matter, Dark Energy, CMB and LSS: Understanding the Physics of the Universe" 16 -17-18 AUGUST 2007, Observatoire de Paris HQ, Paris campus 12) workshop : " future wide field weak lensing surveys for cosmology." April 24-25, 2007 , CPPM , Marseille. 13) Conference " Data Analysis in Cosmology 2007 " July 9 - 12, 2007 , Santander (Spain) 14) Third Sino-French conference:"Origins". Paris, Sevres 15-20 octobre 2007
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- PNC PNC PNC http://www.iap.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) Summer School , "Formation and Evolution of cosmic Structure" Novicosmo 2007 , Novigrad-Cittanova , Croatia 10-21 September 2007
Motivations: The goal of understanding the formation and evolution of the cosmic structures in the Universe drives current advances in observational cosmology. Over the last decade tremendous progress has been made in the direct observational study of structures to look back times covering over 90% of the age of the Universe. In the current paradigm, cosmic structure grows through gravitational instability which acts to boost small initial fluctuations, seeded from quantum fluctuations during the inflationary phase of the Universe. Dark matter haloes are built up which host ordinary baryons. These blossom into luminous galaxies. While the evolution of the dark matter follows simple physics, namely gravity, our knowledge has significant gaps when it comes to describing the luminous, baryonic component of the Universe; this ignorance becomes spectacular in the case of the very first "luminous" objects which lit up the Universe at the end of the Dark Ages. Complex physical processes need to be considered. Through the use of increasingly sophisticated computer simulations, the first realistic attempts to model the process of galaxy formation over the history of the Universe are now being made.
The purpose of the School is to provide to young scientists with the opportunity to widen their knowledge of cosmology and extragalactic astrophysics and to become acquainted with key recent theoretical and experimental results, as well as to foster an interactive exchange among participants. We seek to establish an atmosphere in which observers and theorists will review, confront and discuss with young scientists recent progress and future directions. The School is then aimed at PhD students and young scientists with a Post-doc experience of less than 4 years. Outstanding upper level undergraduates may also be considered. Each subject will be covered by 3 lectures of 2 hours each, delivered by a scientist who has made significant contributions to the topic. Everyday there will be a special seminar on a particularly important subject in the field of Cosmology.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- PNC PNC PNC http://www.iap.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) SIGRAV graduate school in contemporary relativity and gravitational physics , VII edition : " The Dark side of the universe" Villa Olmo, Como, Italy , May 14-18, 2007
The SIGRAV Schools are directed to PH.D. students and young Post-Docs in Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics who are interested in widening their knowledge in the fields of Physical Cosmology, Relativistic Astrophysics, General Relativity, Experimental Gravity and the Modern Quantum Theories of Gravitation. The Schools wish to introduce students to current problems, highlighting their importance and potential scientific impact. Lecturers will report on theoretical, observational and experimental aspects of the research, reviewing latest achievements in the field.
Studying the physical and astrophysical properties of the dark matter and dark energy components of the Universe is a crucial step towards the ultimate goal of unveiling their nature. A large number of present and future experiments and observations is indeed devoted to this goal. The school will focus on the theoretical and experimental/observational aspects of this problem, as seen from both its cosmological and particle physics sides.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- PNC PNC PNC http://www.iap.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) Ecole de Physique des Astroparticules - I 10 -15 septembre 2007, OHP, Saint Michel l'Observatoire Â? La Physique des AstroparticulesÂ?
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer l'école thématique du CNRS intitulée Ecole de Physique des Astroparticules elle se tiendra ? l'OHP (Saint Michel l'Observatoire) du 10 au15 septembre 2007. hhttp://www.cpt.univ-mrs.fr/~cosmo/WEB_EAP_07/EcoleAP-OHP07.html Les organisateurs B. Degrange (LLR) - J. Lavalle (CPPM) - R. Triay (CPT)
Contexte Scientifique La physique des astroparticules investit aujourd'hui des problématiques aussi diverses que l'origine et la propagation des particules-rayonnements, la masse des neutrinos, la proportion d'anti-mati?re dans l'univers, l'existence et l'origine de la mati?re noire, l'invariance de Lorentz, la physique des processus gravitationnels ? champs forts, etc. Ces derni?res années, les expériences associées ? cette thématique se sont considérablement développées et leurs résultats suscitent toujours plus d'enthousiasme. Dans la perspective d'assurer une formation conséquente dans ce champ explicitement interdisciplinaire, le programme a une tendance assez généraliste, il mettra en évidence les point forts des th?mes suivants : Neutrino -- Gamma et GRB -- Sources et processus d'UHE -- Mati?re noire -- Rayons cosmiques et accél?rateurs cosmiques. Il vise ? couvrir autant les aspects d'observation que théoriques de ces problématiques.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- PNC PNC PNC http://www.iap.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) Santa Fe Cosmology Summer Workshop, July 2-20
The Santa Fe topical workshop for 2007 will concentrate on recent developments in cosmology, especially those related to current and expected observational advances, including the cosmic microwave background, large-scale structure, galaxies and clusters, and dark matter and energy/early universe. The format will emphasize discussion with some formal pedagogical review and related talks as appropriate. Generally speaking we would like to reserve the largest fraction of the day for discussion and informal meeting. To encourage this informality and discussion, attendance will be limited to about 80 participants.
There will be no registration fee and highly subsidized housing will be provided (the precise cost estimates will be available soon, but are typically $150/room/week, $50/week for students). Travel support will not be available.
To register for the meeting and to make suggestions for the scientific program, go to the Workshop website at
We will be filling spaces on a rolling basis, so you are strongly advised to register as soon as possible, and preference will be given to those who register before April 05, 2007.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- PNC PNC PNC http://www.iap.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11) Ecole Internationale d'Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge "Dark Matter, Dark Energy, CMB and LSS: Understanding the Physics of the Universe" 16 -17-18 AUGUST 2007, Observatoire de Paris HQ, Paris campus
The Colloquium is within the astrofundamental physics spirit of the Chalonge School, this time focalized on recent observational and theoretical progress on dark matter, dark energy, including neutrinos and sterile neutrinos, CMB data and the theory of the early universe with predictive power. The Topics are: Observational and theoretical progress in deciphering the nature of dark matter and dark energy . CMB and Large scale structure formation. Inflation after WMAP (in connection with the CMB and LSS data), quadrupole suppression and initial conditions; quantum effects. CMB polarization, primordial magnetic fields effects. Neutrinos in cosmology.
In summary, the aim of the meeting is to put together real cosmological data and hard theory predictive approach connected to them.
An exhibition will retrace the 15 years of activity of the Chalonge School and of George Smoot participation to the School along these 15 years.
All informations about the Meeting, including the general timing and the Programme and Lecturers of the Colloquium and registration information are displayed at the chalonge school web site
Early Registration is strongly encouraged Chalonge.Ecole at obspm.fr
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- PNC PNC PNC http://www.iap.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12) workshop : " future wide field weak lensing surveys for cosmology." April 24-25, 2007 , CPPM , Marseille.
The idea is to allow discussion between scientists working on current or future (either approved or still in development) wide field weak lensing surveys. Although a good understanding on the statistical limits of weak lensing exist, systematics are still to be explored in details and need to be fully understood (shape measurements, understanding and modeling the PSF correction, but also photometric redshifts and its requirements for calibration) in order to optimize the survey and ultimately give the best cosmology constraints. Furthermore, with the current and future lensing surveys there will be other lensing interests than measuring cosmic shear to probe cosmology, so it would also be very useful to discuss these science cases and understand their requirements.
I wish you can come and participate to this workshop. So please let me know if you are able to attend and give me the title of your oral contribution ideally before March 23, 2007.
The venue of the meeting will be at CPPM on the Marseille-Luminy campus http://marwww.in2p3.fr/ More details on the meeting, venue, list of participants can be found at http://www.oamp.fr/cosmology/weaklensing2007/
Jean-Paul Kneib on behalf of the SOC: Gary Bernstein, Anne Ealet , Yannick Mellier, Bruno Milliard, Alexandre Refregier, Jason Rhodes, Ludovic van Waerbeke,
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- PNC PNC PNC http://www.iap.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13) Conference " Data Analysis in Cosmology 2007 " July 9 - 12, 2007 , Santander (Spain)
The goal of the conference is to bring together experts on techniques and methodologies for data analysis which could be applied to cosmological studies. In particular the meeting will focus on: * Statistical analysis (Bayesian statistics, PCA,ICA, etc) * Neural networks * Multi-scale analysis * Inverse problem * Morphological analysis * Data fusion
Registration is now open through the meeting's web page: http://max.ifca.unican.es/webcmb/dac07/ There will be a limited number of contributed talks and posters.More details on the meeting can be found in the previous web page. Please, circulate this announcement to anyone who might be interested. Contact: For practical questions about hotel reservation and travel information, please write to: congresossantander at viajeseci.es For general questions, please write to: dac007 at ifca.unican.es --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PNC PNC PNC http://www.iap.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14) Third Sino-French conference:"Origins". Paris, Sevres 15-20 octobre 2007
La troisieme conference franco-chinoise aura lieu a Paris (Sevres), du 15 au 20 octobre 2007, sur les themes: origines.
La thematique "Origines" (de la matiere: cosmologie ; de la vie : planetes extra-solaires) est une des fortes priorites des agences europennes et chinoises en astronomie/astrophysique. C'est une des grandes questions du 21me siecle pour laquelle d'etonnants progres ont ete realises ces dernieres annees: decouvertes des planetes extrasolaires, de l'acceleration de l'Univers et de l'energie noire, des anisotropies du fond de rayonnement cosmologique, et des processus de formation des galaxies, pour lesquelles de tres forts investissements en instrumentation sol et espace ont ete engages. voir le site: http://origins.obspm.fr
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- PNC PNC PNC http://www.iap.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------