Witam, Well, A&A has come up with a new excuse:
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Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 14:03:30 +0200 From: aanda.paris at obspm.fr To: boud at astro.uni.torun.pl Subject: AA/2004/2055
Dr Boudewijn F. Roukema boud at astro.uni.torun.pl
Our Ref. : AA/2004/2055
Dear Boud,
We were not aware of this paper in astro-ph by the Healpix team. Now that this is published, we do not think it possible for A&A to consider publishing a similar paper, even if you derived it independently, with different details. The motivation you had to publish it, is now gone. So you can understand that we can not unfortunately consider further your paper for A&A,
with best wishes, The Editors
The motivation you had to publish it, is now gone. So you can
Hmmm... In this case, it seems to me that the A&A Editors are stating that they consider electronic publication as important as refereed journal publication and that peer review of scientific papers is unnecessary!
It is clear that some time we are going to have to reorganise the methods by which A&A editors make decisions. After all, it's we the astronomers who are supposed to run A&A, not the other way around.
When the Editors start saying that peer-reviewed publications is unnecessary, we have a problem...
However, that's something for the long term.
pozdr boud