Dear colleagues, I am organizing a mini-workshop (2-3 days, a dozen of participants) about the recent developments in cosmic topology, and I would like very much to invite one of you (Andrzej Marecki, Bartosz Lew, Magdalena Cechowska) to this workshop for giving a talk. (I have already invited Boud Roukema, who has accepted.) The place will be Meudon, the date will be 8-10 march 2005. Your travel expenses as well as your hotel would be taken in charge. Other speakers/participants will be Jeff Weeks, Marcelo Reboucas (from Brazil), Jesper Gunderman (a Danish mathematician working on eigenmodes), and of course the French group : Marc Lachieze-Rey, Alain Riazuelo, Roland Lehoucq, etc. See the enclosed preliminary program. It would be really a great opportunity to meet altogether and resume the state-of-the-art of this fascinating field of cosmology together with future perspectives and collaborations. I really hope that one of you will be able to accept - please decide amongst yourselves who is most interested in participating, and confirm before 1 november. Yours, Jean-Pierre