Witam cosmo-torun,
Jean-Pierre Luminet (Laboratory Universe & Theories (LUTH), Observatoire de Paris (France), http://luth2.obspm.fr/luminet.html) will give a seminar here as below. For those people interested, i'm thinking especially of cosmology students/doktoranci, it would be good to join Jean-Pierre and myself in the city centre in the morning, for casual discussion and lunch. After that we will come to Piwnice.
14.00 on Tues 20 November @KRA
TITLE: The shape of space : from black holes to cosmic topology
The decription of the shape of our physical space at various scales (length scales or energy scales) involves a rich variety of geometrical models, each depending on the underlying physical theory. Imaging distorted space and time by gravitational and quantum fields is a big challenge of modern fundamental physics. I shall discuss such space representations for describing the shape of space around and inside black holes, next the global shape of our universe in the framework of cosmic topology. Striking movies and color visualizations will be displayed.
pozdr boud