hi everyone,
Fri 2 July 15.00 @KRA - cosmo wiki workshop let's reorganise the wiki: http://cosmo.torun.pl/cosmo/ and the home page http://adjani.astro.uni.torun.pl
Bartek has done a nice job of setting up a draft of the new KRA web pages, with a nice link to the cosmology pages. So now it's time for the rest of us (starting with me!) to help do some reorganisation.
i'll start today, and i propose that we (finally) get back to our workshops by starting with a wiki workshop tomorrow.
My idea is that probably i will do the "main" editing, with the pages shown in the projector, so that we can have a general discussion what should go where, while i edit. But if other people bring laptops, then they can also edit (e.g. other pages) and/or take over the use of the projector and we'll see if we can converge by using both wiki + face-to-face communication.
i'll see if we can get hold of a switch (should be doable) so that if more people bring along laptops, then we can together do some reorganisation. By the nature of wiki, this means that some of the editing can be done in parallel.
pozdr boud