-- forwarded message -- Newsgroups: sci.astro.research Path: mat.uni.torun.pl!news.man.torun.pl!news.man.poznan.pl!news-fra1.dfn.de!eusc.inter.net!mephistopheles.news.clara.net!news.clara.net!server3.netnews.ja.net!bath.ac.uk!unknown From: ebunn@lfa221051.richmond.edu Subject: MAP data release NOT on 6 February!!!!!! Approved: sci.astro.research-request@slimy.greenend.org.uk (mjh) Sender: unknown@hercules.star.bris.ac.uk (Address not verified) Organization: A poorly-installed InterNetNews site Message-ID: mt2.0-22300-1044472201@star.bris.ac.uk X-Posting-Tool: modtool v2.0 References: mt2.0-27782-1042888051@star.bris.ac.uk mt2.0-15914-1043793431@star.bris.ac.uk mt2.0-5569-1043853434@star.bris.ac.uk mt2.0-668-1043871004@star.bris.ac.uk Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2003 19:10:01 GMT Lines: 14 Xref: mat.uni.torun.pl sci.astro.research:2239
Note the change in the subject line. According to
the release is scheduled for "Early 2003."
Rumor has it that it'll be delayed for only a week or two, because NASA is obviously preoccupied with other matters right now, but I don't know that for sure.