OK, that should do the trick I think.
PS: I forgot to tell everyone that MichaĆ proposed adding his SNe data analysis routines to DE later on when he has time! Sounds like a good idea to me :), though it will require some work...
... I donot think 'some' is a proper word for matching 2 different packages ;) but pros are: - ready statistical tools for analysing data (based on maximum likehood) - snia data analyzer module - cmb anisotropies data analyzis
these packages combined can serve as a full cosmological package...
meantime I have an idea about wrting trmendously extra fast package generating cmb power spectrum somewhat similar to DASh but much more convinient and simpler. I estimate getting a cmb spectrum in parts of a second based on smart-compressed grid of models (seem not to have be dense). I am fed up with CMBFAST. but I will have more time only after finishing my mgr...
Boud: I think I got the grant! That's unofficial...
regards michal