On Wed, 22 May 2002, Michal Frackowiak wrote:
- cmb anisotropies data analyzis
well, to be more precise, data analysis of *some* statistics of cmb anisotropy data (e.g. the C_l spectrum), I don't imagine you're analysing cmb data (maps) itself...?
sure - just from cl spectra, but my soft is now integrated with CMBFAST
OK, which AFAIK does not analyse CMB maps (but I only looked at it briefly once several years ago)...
OK, in my way of thinking it would be good to think of the documentation including links to good introductory URLs on the subject, like Wayne Hu's pages, so that the whole package is more usable by beginners and that the whole learning/research process can become more open and accessible to students.
I don't think newbies use f77... but thinking about gui now is a bit to early I think
For those who don't know:
gui = graphical user interface
If you know something about programming gui's, preferably in a GNU/Linux type environment, then I'd prefer that you can teach the rest of us sooner than later. (Of course, after your mgr is finished.)
I think that gui's could accelerate learning efficiency and speed by a huge amount, and this way we could hopefully decrease the stress of exams for the students who have to do exams and let them concentrate on the fun of learning itself...
It also means that *I* could finally have time to learn some of the physics that I've always wanted to learn but never had time to, thanks to using GUI's to better organise the information and the explanations...
Cheers boud