Cze�� wszystkim, I am very glad that several of you (at least three people) have had the courage to tell me that I have to do some work (in documenting the software), otherwise we will not get anywhere in our "monograph course"! This a good sign for learning how to work together :).
So, I'm about to start preparing some documentation. My plan is to follow the PGPLOT style documentation which was used for the ArFus galaxy formation package:
(You can download a *local* copy of the full package, including small example N-body simulations here - total size 31Mb: )
Question: what name do we want to call our package? I think the name should not be too long, and it would be good to have a two-letter abbreviation to put in the subroutine (module) names, like "PG" for pgplot, "AF" for ArFus.
Some ideas with comments + for - against ...
ShapeUniv - SU + easy to say - confusion with SU groups of superstring theory? - confusion with Soviet Union?
DarkEnergy - DE + easy to say - confusion with the name of a neighbouring country?
FormaWszech�wiata - FW - confusion with "forward" in emails - difficult to say "FW..." for the name of a subroutine - includes a non-latin-1 character
ObservCosm - OC - pretentious (claims to cover all of observational cosmology)
TorunCosm - TC + maybe the best? - confusion with TCP/IP?
QuintEssence - QE - confusion with Queen Elizabeth?
CosmParameters - CP --- confusion with Communist Party
KoperNik - KN - too many things are called Copernicus in Toru� & Poland - pretentious?
Well, I've spent enough time on this, I'm sure others have some ideas. I'll put "DE" for the moment - we can change this later with a shell script depending on what people choose.
Na ra� Boud