Dear colleague,
A cosmology conference is organised as a
Rencontres du Vietnam on Cosmology 50 years after CMB discovery
It will take place in Quy Nhon, Vietnam in August, 16-22, 2015
Registration and abstract submission is still open on
It will review the most recent status of the field but will include a session on its history.
The conference will consist of plenary sessions for invited indepth oral presentations (review talks and talks on specific specialised topics), and contributed papers in half a day parallel sessions, in the form of relatively short oral papers (sollicitated or selected from abstract submission). Special emphasis is being placed on active participation by young researchers and post-docs.
The main topics of the conference are: History of the CMB CMB Polarization Other CMB measurements Dark Energy Dark Matter Theory
hoping to see you in Quy Nhon, next August best regards The organizing committee