Cosmo.WebHome Content of Universe summary to be included in other pages Density fluctuations and galaxy formation But the Universe is not perfectly the same...
Cosmo.WebHome Cosmic Topology Bibcodes identifier%3A%221998CQGra..15.2529S%22%20OR%20identifier%3A%221998tsra.conf..410S%22 So far this is just a proof of co...
Cosmo.WebHome Cosmological Backreaction Cosmological Backreaction During the epoch of galaxy formation, the Universe switched from nearly homogeneous to ver...
Cosmo.WebHome title for inclusion in festival page Kształt Wszechświata: Wszystkie przestrzenie są sobie równe, ale niektóre są równiejsze od innych Main...
Cosmo.WebHome to be included in FestiwalNauki2014 Czy ,,ciemna energia" to tylko artefakt sposobu obliczenia? Istnienie galaktyki i Nagroda Nobla w Fizyki z ...
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Cosmo.WebHome OCRA publication list for inclusion in other pages OCRA publications As of 27 Jul 2017, the above ADS list has to be updated by hand f...
Is the Universe finite or infinite (video)? Scientific models of the Universe are intended to satisfy the Einstein equation, which, roughly speaking, states that ...
The cosmology group at the Institute of Astronomy at NCU in Toruń (get to Piwnice) IC I (2011) / IC II (2017) / IC III (2018) (wiki) / inhom newsletter / ICIV...
Cosmo.CosmoTeaching how wims points are calculated po polsku see also CosmoTeaching WimsHowToCalculate5PointsEn 5.0 punkty zaliczenia na wims jak je...
Cosmo.CosmoTeaching This is a page to be included in other pages, with physics/astro/maths constants needed in WIMS exercises when only this website is availa...