ToK Warszawa meeting - Rough Notes Thu 15 Feb 2007
These are just rough notes - feel free to correct them, add links, etc.
Hector Rubinstein - stockholm - magnetic fields
Magnetic fields on kpc scales exist. They may exist on intergalactic
scales - it's unclear whether or not their origin is primordial.
CMB - Planck - may be able to detect magnetic fields present at the
epochs not long after nucleosynthesis and recombination
it is well known that photon has a thermal mass - about 10^{-39} [units =eV?]
which is extremely small - related to electron loops
Maxwell eqns -> Proca eqns
m_photon < 10^-26 eV
\exists galactic mag fields at z \approx 3 making dynamo mechanisms
difficult to explain them
Boehm - LDM hypothesis
511 keV detection
Leventhal(sp?) 199x
OSSE 3 components Purcell et al 1997
stars - SNe, SNII, WR
compact sources - pulsars, BH, low mass binaries
- most excluded because they would imply 511keV from the disk
- SNIa - need large escape fraction and explosion rate to maintain a steady flux
- low mass X-ray binaries - need electrons to escape from the disk to the bulge
dm + dm -> e^- + e^+
e+ loses energy -> positronium e+e- -> positronium decays
para-positronium 2 gamma - monochromatic wih 511keV
ortho-positronium 3 gamma - continuum
positron emission should be maximal with highest DM concentration
(n^2 effect?)
cdm spectrum
does NOT produce CDM-like power spectrum???
- at 10^9 M_sun essentially CDM-like
- by 10^6 M_sun, the difference would be important
Ascasibar et al 2005, 2006
- through F- 511keV
- through Z' relic density
link with neutrino mass
interaction/decay diagrams ->
link between neutrino mass and DM cross section:
\sigma_\nu well-known for relic density \sim 10^{-26} cm^3/s
MeV" class="mmpImage" src="/foswiki/pub/Cosmo/ToK070215RoughNotes/_MathModePlugin_731486621df83fabc7268c4eba1fd524.png" /> to fit neutrino data
BBN: 1MeV < m_N
low energy Beyond SM
MeV DM has definitely escaped all previous low energy experiments
due to lack of luminosity
- explains low value of neutrino masses
- detection at LHC may be possible but requires work
- back to SUSY -> snu-neutralino-nu ?
Conlon - hierarchy problems in string theory: the power of large volume
planck scale 10^18
GeV ... cosm constant scale (10^-3eV)^4
- large-volume models can generate hierarchies thorugh a stabilised
exponentially large volume
- predicts cosmological constant (but about 50 orders of magnitude too
large - solving this problem is left to the reader/audience)
G\"unther Stigl - high-energy c-rays, gamma-rays, neutrinos
HESS - correlation of observations at GC with molecular cloud distribution
KASCADE - has made observations
Southern Auger - 1500km^2 - in Chile/Argentina
Hillas plot
c-rays at highest energies could be protons, could be ions
- most interactions produce pions;
pi^\pm decays to neutrinos
pi^0 decays to photons (gamma-rays)
- origin of very high energy c rays remains one of the fundamental unsolved questions of astroparticle physics - even galactic c ray origin is unclear
- acceleration and sky distribution of c rays are strongly linked to the strength and distribution of cosmic magnetic fields - which are poorly known
- sources probably lie in fields of \mu-Gauss
- HE c-rays, pion-production, gamma-ray/neutrinos - all three fields should be considered together; strong constraints arise from gamma-ray overproduction
Khalil - DM - SUSY - brane cosmology
(British University in Egypt = BUE)
- friedmann eqn modified in 5D (brane model)
- dark matter relic abundance
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^2/m_N^2 }\end{math}
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(see the transcript file for additional information)
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