Cosmo.CosmoTeaching20242025 Reproducibility course 7404 REPASTR Draft content for usosweb Title EN: Reproducibility in astronomy research papers PL: Odtwa...
online BigBlueButtonHints * 0800 KOSMO: EXAM: Thur XX June 2025 09:00 16:00 @Institute of Astronomy, Piwnice, Room 48; 7 hours = maximum time; a good student ...
Cosmo.CosmoTeaching This is a page to be included in other pages, with physics/astro/maths constants needed in WIMS exercises when only this website is availa...
Przedstawiony zostanie krótki przegląd powstawania galaktyk w uproszczonym kontekście kosmologicznym. Tematy obejmują: post CMB widmo moc Gaussowych losowe fluktu...
Is the Universe finite or infinite (video)? Scientific models of the Universe are intended to satisfy the Einstein equation, which, roughly speaking, states that ...
Cosmo.WebHome Cosmological Backreaction Cosmological Backreaction During the epoch of galaxy formation, the Universe switched from nearly homogeneous to ver...
Cosmo.WebHome Practical hints/FAQ for using Big Blue Button * What is Big Blue Button? WikipediaEn:BigBlueButton * French Interministerial free softwar...
2019: Full pdf (archived): * hi...
This wiki page is for managing the inhom newsletter. If you only want to receive the inhomogeneous cosmology newsletter about once a month, then subscribe at http...
Please feel free to add arguments, counterarguments, or rearrange this page and break off big pieces into their own pages. This is GFDL CC BY SA protected, so you...
The cosmology group at the Institute of Astronomy at NCU in Toruń (get to Piwnice) IC I (2011) / IC II (2017) / IC III (2018) (wiki) / inhom newsletter / ICIV...
# 0. (LOCAL) Packages # These are the Debian package names as of Oct 2024: sudo apt install gpg pass otp zbar tools #### It seems that steps 3a and 5 must be done...
*This page is incomplete and out of date. Feel free to help update it.* new * Inhomogeneous Cosmologies IV (announcem...
Programming for cosmologists Operating systems * The main free licensed operating system is WikipediaEn:GNU typically GNU/Linux * with shell tools t...
See also: ProgrammingForCosmologists ((C) 2020 CC BY NC, ) * Powinno być na usoswebie. wikibooks * ...
m times, is %$q_m$% po m razy, gdzie %$s_1, ..., s_m$%, which is in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. This is a decaying average, with %$q_m = \frac{0.85 q_{m 1} s_m}{...
Cosmo.CosmoTeaching how wims points are calculated po polsku see also CosmoTeaching WimsHowToCalculate5PointsEn 5.0 punkty zaliczenia na wims jak je...
Cosmo.WebHome online catalogue cosmo books at UMK TODO: add recently bought books, add links what we have We have many good cosmolo...
Cosmo.WebHome History of "Shape of the Universe" Please add any evidence of earlier usage, or make other appropriate corrections. This was popularised by Bou...
Content for poster (roll up/pull up banner) to be printed by UMK public relations department Tekst w kursywie jest tylko wyjaśnienia, to nie treść dla pull up ban...
Shape of Universe discussions with INdependent media VPRO Jan 2008 seems to be relatively independent * log of chat interview: * http://cosmo.torun.p...
Cosmo.WebHome Cosmo software licensing The aim of this section is to list and clarify licenses of widely used cosmology packages, mainly focussing on ones th...
Cosmo.WebHome OCRA publication list for inclusion in other pages OCRA publications As of 27 Jul 2017, the above ADS list has to be updated by hand f...
Research topics different intensities at Licencjat/Magister/Doktorat level Reproducible galaxy formation pipeline In ArXiv:2010.03742 a reproducible galaxy for...
Proposals for Supervising Licencjat and Masters (Magister) projects at TCfA see also: InzTematy Projekt licencjat jest w sensie naukowym podobny do projektu magi...
Cosmo.WebHome Proposals for Supervising Inżynierski diploma projects at WFAiIS see also: LicMagTematy Supervisor: B. Roukema (boud at E...
Toruń Cosmology Group (CA UMK CAMK) (en) Welcome to the home of Foswiki.Cosmo. This is a web based collaboration area for cosmology research and education. (pl)...
Cosmo.WebHome PRZED PUBLIKACJA (PREPRINT): Wzrost w szybkości nauczania GNU/Linuksa: małe studium opracowanie (Growth in the speed of learning GNU/Linux: a s...
Cosmo.WebHome Jak skutecznie się uczą studenci: statystyki Są statystyki z dla zajęć IntroductionToGNULinuxOS. year Number of ...