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Yufering Open Science

official page = https://yufe.eu/yufering (archive 2023-07-08)


"The Open Science Programme will be structured as follows:
           Day 1
                               The current Open Science Situation
 Date & time     20 or 21 November 2024 (exact date tba); 9:00 – 12:00 CET
 Duration        3 hours
 Format          Online
 Content             - Welcome to the programme
                     - Introduction to Open Science Policies
                     - How is OS implemented at different YUFE universities? – What can we
                         learn from each other?
                             o Practice example: Establishing the University of Eastern Finland
                                  Open Science Policy (Tomi Rosti, University of Eastern Finland)
                             o Practice example: The Open Access Ambassadors at Nicolaus
                                  Copernicus University
                             o Group discussions"


The ten universities and policies or people who seem to be active in open science, or formally in "FOS = Full Open Science" teams:

-- BoudRoukema - 28 Sep 2023 + ...
Topic revision: r5 - 13 Jun 2024, BoudRoukema
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