ToK Warszawa meeting - Rough Notes Sat 17 Feb 2007
These are just rough notes - feel free to correct them, add links, etc.
Ruth Durrer - CMB
- general CMB presentation
Challinor & Lewis 2006 - lensing effect on C_l spectrum -
especially 500 < l < 3000
- lensed polarisation signals
- observed WMAP polarisation e.g. Spergel et al. 2005, CBI - Readhead et al. 2004, Page et al. 2006 - compilation, detection around 200-400 = l, oscillations expected (observational estimates exist with very big error bars) around 400-800 = l
- tensor spectrum - gravity waves - B modes of the polarisation - if these were unexpectedly large, then this could be the "smoking gun" of inflation
WMAP + ... :

- SDSS LRG (luminous red galaxies) + WMAP 3

according to Tegmark et al. 2006
- What is dark matter?
- What is dark energy?
- What is the inflaton?