%IF{"(NOT defined GROUP) OR $GROUP = ''" then=' How to add the first administrator If you haven\'t previously set up an administrator, follow these steps: (Note:...
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You can register a username password at TWiki.TWikiRegistration cosmo twiki How should we organise astronomy politics (citations, getting jobs, etc)? How c...
Cosmo.WebHome Authoritarian control of research bibliometry in the EU * As of 2019, scientists in much of the EU, and in particular Poland, are forced to ...
Cosmo.WebHome for inclusion in BenasqueNotes2008 etc main page: BenasqueNotes2008 These are just rough notes feel free to correct them, add links, etc. f...
0$% * volume averaging affects power spectrum P(k) ! * averaging time is over time cone volume, not comoving volume? * "synchronous coordinates" * can s...
Cosmo.WebHome Practical hints/FAQ for using Big Blue Button * What is Big Blue Button? WikipediaEn:BigBlueButton * French Interministerial free softwar...
Cosmo.WebHome Climate Emergency and the astronomy community * AU ArXiv:1912.05834 The imperative to reduce carbon emissions in astronomy Adam R. H. ...
Cosmo.WebHome Content of Universe summary to be included in other pages Density fluctuations and galaxy formation But the Universe is not perfectly the same...
Cosmo.WebHome Cosmic Topology Bibcodes identifier%3A%221998CQGra..15.2529S%22%20OR%20identifier%3A%221998tsra.conf..410S%22 So far this is just a proof of co...
Content for poster (roll up/pull up banner) to be printed by UMK public relations department Tekst w kursywie jest tylko wyjaśnienia, to nie treść dla pull up ban...
Cosmo.WebHome Journal Club IoA cosmo Announcements on the cosmo torun mailing list. Subscribe or unsubscribe yourself. Reading the instructions is recommende...
This is an old, subjective list/description of cosmologists in Poland and nearby. Probably a more relatively objective list is given by the recent CAK network app...
Cosmo 2003 meeting of people interested in cosmology research in Poland Please correct this page add your name, remove your name, confirm that you'd like t...
Cosmo.CosmoPlMeeting2006 Cosmo.CosmoPlMeeting2006Program COSMO PL SPRING MEETING 2006 title: Online Cosmocoffee Workshop abstract: Live reactions by the ...
CosmoPlMeeting2006 WORKING SCRATCH PAGE FOR ORGANISERS This is a working page for organisers (which inludes you if you think you can help). You are welcome to up...
program for the CosmoPlMeeting2006 on 19 20 May 2006, TCfA, UMK, Toruń Please correct this page add your name, remove your name, or even reorganise it so that ...
Cosmo.CosmoPlMeeting2006 Cosmo.CosmoPlMeeting2006Program COSMO PL SPRING MEETING 2006 title: Cosmic Topological Dark Energy? abstract: A brief review of ...
Cosmology past and ongoing projects in Toruń brief summary for main page Shape of the Universe Scientific models of the Universe are intended to satisfy the Ei...
20 * these should provide observations of galaxies at quite high redshifts, so good galaxy/AGN formation modelling projects could make predictions of how the ...
Cosmo.WebHome Cosmo software licensing The aim of this section is to list and clarify licenses of widely used cosmology packages, mainly focussing on ones th...
We proposed a method that involves a cross correlation function this uses more information than the original identified circles method. An optimal cross correla...
online BigBlueButtonHints * 0800 KOSMO: EXAM: Thur XX June 2025 09:00 16:00 @Institute of Astronomy, Piwnice, Room 48; 7 hours = maximum time; a good student ...
# first download the source files and debian patches and metadata: wget http://http.debian.net/debian/pool/main/s/splash/splash_2.8.0 1.dsc wget http://http.debia...
MathMethods StopienWykladu Czy teksty na wikipedii dla punkty dla stopni mogą być tylko w słowach? IMHO, science pages on the WikipediaPl:Astronomia shoul...
Czy przeczytanie ksziążka może być punkt dla stopni? Według metody StopienWykladu, i szacunek dla studentów jak dorosły, które mogą decydować dla siebie jak są wa...
emacs To warto uczyc sie emacs jak editor plikow. Jesli pozniej Tutorial i troche eksperymenty, wolesz joe lub inny editor, nie ma problem. Na alcor rob * ema...
Zgłoszenie imprezy Dane zgłoszenia: Skąd: z UMK Wydzial UMK: Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej Nazwa jednostki: Centrum Astronomii UMK Adres:...
Cosmo.WebHome title for inclusion in festival page Kształt Wszechświata: Wszystkie przestrzenie są sobie równe, ale niektóre są równiejsze od innych Main...
Dane zgłoszenia: Skąd: z UMK Wydzial UMK: Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej Nazwa jednostki: Centrum Astronomii Adres: ul. Gagarina 11 Tytuł...
Cosmo.WebHome Czy obserwujemy przyśpieszenie ekspansji Wszechświata? Propozycja: "Czy można dostać nobla za odkrycie (nie )istnienia Ziemi?" Main.BoudRouke...
toruński festiwal nauki i sztuki 19 23 kwietnia 2013 Festiwal Cele Festiwalu Organizatorzy Patronat Rada Programowa Biuro Festiwalu Patronat medialny Sponsorzy Pa...
Cosmo.WebHome Istnienie galaktyki i Nagroda Nobla w Fizyki z 2011r. Propozycja: "Czy można dostać nobla za odkrycie (nie )istnienia Ziemi?" Main.BoudRoukem...
Dane zgłoszenia: Skąd: z UMK Wydzial UMK: Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej Nazwa jednostki: Centrum Astronomii Adres: ul. Gagarina 11 87 10...
Cosmo.WebHome to be included in FestiwalNauki2014 Czy ,,ciemna energia" to tylko artefakt sposobu obliczenia? Istnienie galaktyki i Nagroda Nobla w Fizyki z ...
Cosmo.WebHome This is an include file for ... FestiwalNauki2014 ... FestiwalNauki2004 all years: (2014: TBD) wiki (2013: brak) wiki (2012: brak) wiki...
Fortran and/or C Proponuję metody wykład podobny do MathMethods, ale będę proponować więcej konkretne przykłady cele programowanie. Wybór uczyć się dwóch języki a...
Warning: GAFAM oligopoly. Alternatives include: https://framasoft.org; ... (Please edit this page to add other practical guides to avoiding the GAFAM oligopoly.) ...
Przedstawiony zostanie krótki przegląd powstawania galaktyk w uproszczonym kontekście kosmologicznym. Tematy obejmują: post CMB widmo moc Gaussowych losowe fluktu...
0 graviton is not a ghost * f'' 0 scalaron is not a tachyon * imposed for R \ge R_{now} at least (i.e. during the whole evolution of the Universe) * pos...
Cosmo.WebHome for inclusion in GrassmannCosmoFun2009 etc main page: GrassmannCosmoFun2009 These are just rough notes feel free to correct them, add links,...
2019: Full pdf (archived): https://web.archive.org/web/20190802134443/http://www.bip.nauka.gov.pl/g2/oryginal/2019_08/a07248ec34e343035b433bb61f39c053.pdf * hi...
Cosmo.WebHome History of "Shape of the Universe" Please add any evidence of earlier usage, or make other appropriate corrections. This was popularised by Bou...
students' area * To understand more about online exercises/exams with wims, see http://wims.unice.fr/paper/pqt.pdf a paper explaining the principle of tes...
This wiki page is for managing the inhom newsletter. If you only want to receive the inhomogeneous cosmology newsletter about once a month, then subscribe at http...
Dear participant, I'll soon send you information about organising the inhom monthly newsletter that we discussed at CosmoTorun17, but I have two job ads to announ...
Cosmo.WebHome Feel free to add more notes here. Inhomogeneous Cosmologies III * Inhomogeneous Cosmologies III, 16 21 September 2018 at the Jagiellonian Un...
INCLUDE = I../LATfield2 I/usr/include/hdf5/serial L/usr/lib/x86_64 linux gnu/hdf5/serial or INCLUDE = I../LATfield2 I/usr/include/hdf5/openmpi L/usr/lib/x8...
See also: ProgrammingForCosmologists ((C) 2020 CC BY NC, xkcd.com/2347 ) * Powinno być na usoswebie. wikibooks * http://pl.wikibooks.org/wiki/GNU/Linux ...
Cosmo.WebHome Rocky Kolb * Lambda CDM should be seen as a very good phenomenological model that fits the observations * swiss cheese model weak back ...
Cosmo.WebHome Wright (string person) * Standard Model: 3 coupling constants do not unify, they have 3 intersections at high E instead of 1; supersymmetry ...
Cosmo.WebHome Proposals for Supervising Inżynierski diploma projects at WFAiIS see also: LicMagTematy Supervisor: B. Roukema (boud at astro.uni.torun.pl) E...
Cosmo.WebHome To be included in pages like LicMagTematy, InzTematy FAQ FAQ o licencjatu/magisterze w astronomii/kosmologii. * Czy praca ma być oryginalna ...
#!/bin/bash ## Lorentz_image transform an image file ## ## Copyright (C) 2013 2018 B. Roukema ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribut...
wyklad 20.02.2004 * Wolnosci intelektualna http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free sw.pl.html czy jest praktyczna dla astronomii? Czy mozemy nauczyc cos (jak wz...
Cosmo.RadioT4TimingTenMs Quote from info ntpdate: * ... it is important to note that ntpdate with contrived cron scripts is no substitute for the NTP daemo...
Cosmo.WebHome OCRA publication list for inclusion in other pages OCRA publications As of 27 Jul 2017, the above ADS list has to be updated by hand f...
meta comment: o 22.09.2003 ten stron jest tylko szkic, cel jest zrobić krytyk konstruktywne, nie atakować planetarium, bo ogólnie jest bardzo pozytywny że jest ta...
Cosmo.WebHome PRZED PUBLIKACJA (PREPRINT): Wzrost w szybkości nauczania GNU/Linuksa: małe studium opracowanie (Growth in the speed of learning GNU/Linux: a s...
forum, dyskusja * zobacz tez https://ape.astro.uni.torun.pl/forum * http://cosmo.torun.pl/mailman/listinfo/planck nowy serwer na forum ape'a nowy serwer T...
To tylko archiwum dla starych informacji od PracowniaKRA. archiwum rozdzielczoscia * Jest rowniez problem z rozdzielczoscia na plancku, gdy studenci loguja ...
Programming for cosmologists Operating systems * The main free licensed operating system is WikipediaEn:GNU typically GNU/Linux * with shell tools t...
SetCoor to do much more than just transform coordinates, it would require it to have some sort of model (e.g. linear) of the near future telescope motion, which d...
with scan_corners 0.1.patch a few comments on the patch The main change in the algorithm was to use the measured offsets for making decisions instead of the set ...
Cosmo.WebHome page to be included in others RadioT4Scanning What the problem was * The problem was that scanning (2006) was not as regular as it was hoped...
poe 1 1 stan 10 1111 Scans cancelled before waiting till they finish normally they do finish the full region without any problems. * scan.0806141410.dec30.png...
algorithm From ntpd/ntp_loopfilter.c (ntp 4.2.2.p4 dfsg): * This is an implementation of the clock discipline algorithm described * in UDel TR 97 4 3, as amende...
CosmoTeaching20032004 Radio astronomy "pracownia" Content is negotiatiable with the students see MathMethods for an example of participative education. M...
Cosmo.CosmoTeaching20242025 Reproducibility course 7404 REPASTR Draft content for usosweb Title EN: Reproducibility in astronomy research papers PL: Odtwa...
Cosmo.WebHome What is this? * SINDBaD Systemu Integrującą Naukę, Dydaktykę, Badania i Administrację https://dokumenty.umk.pl/446 lista dokumentow/d/63...
Cosmo.WebHome Ed Bertschinger's notes archived just in case source = http://web.mit.edu/edbert/GR/ archived = * 1 https://web.archive.org/web/2021041420...
ArXiv Astrophysics e prints, arXiv:astro ph/0503014, http://cdsads.u strasbg.fr/abs/2005astro.ph..3014G * Key, J. S., Cornish, N. J., Spergel, D. N., Starkm...
Cosmo.WebHome CosmoTeaching20212022 Scientific Data Presentation and Copyright year IV themes * High level software libraries for scientific reproduci...
Cosmo.WebHome Seminarium Lic or Mag Science seminars Online seminars Apart from the software ethical issues of an online seminar (the communicators should ...
Is the Universe finite or infinite (video)? Scientific models of the Universe are intended to satisfy the Einstein equation, which, roughly speaking, states that ...
See also: * StopienWykladuFAQ Stopien Wykładu/Pracowni (en) proposal At the moment, this is still experimental, and all feedback from students and faculty ...
en official affiliation address LaTeX Institute of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Grudzia...
Wiosna/Lato 2004 schedule scans Apologies that these are scans instead of normal electronic copies. There were communications difficulties with Andrzej Strobel t...
Cosmo.WebHome PLEASE EDIT: Notes for installing inhomog or the full ramses scalav 2017 07 14 * Register at top left and check your email to confirm your f...
Cosmo.WebHome various astro related seminars in Toruń * http://cosmo.torun.pl/mailman/listinfo/cosmo torun see the torun cosmology mailing list for anno...
# 0. (LOCAL) Packages # These are the Debian package names as of Oct 2024: sudo apt install gpg pass otp zbar tools #### It seems that steps 3a and 5 must be done...
TODO: Ask UCI to create a wiki for discussing this and similar matters within the NCU community * WAITING: Waiting for the Rector elect Andrzej Sokala (or t...
Cosmo.WebHome How to update your Egps and so on bibliometry databases * Egps: http://egps.fizyka.umk.pl dodaj artykuł to add publications; moje artykułe...
photograph intact, in colour, measuring 35 x 45 mm, made in the past 6 months, against a light background, having good focus, clearly showing the eyes and face fr...
Cosmo.InhomCosmIII White Paper * clone or download and compile, without logging in: https://bitbucket.org/broukema/whitepaper_inhomog * OR download, ed...
Cosmo.WebHome Text for inclusion on other pages The examination for this subject requires verification that the students are working through examination ques...
Cosmo.CosmoTeaching how wims points are calculated po polsku see also CosmoTeaching WimsHowToCalculate5PointsEn 5.0 punkty zaliczenia na wims jak je...
m times, is %$q_m$% po m razy, gdzie %$s_1, ..., s_m$%, which is in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. This is a decaying average, with %$q_m = \frac{0.85 q_{m 1} s_m}{...
Cosmo.CosmoTeaching This is a page to be included in other pages, with physics/astro/maths constants needed in WIMS exercises when only this website is availa...